Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The examples:

If you exercise endorfins are released in your brain and you feel a certain kind of euforia. Alot of drugs have substances in them that releases the same endorfins in your brain. So, yeah, you could totally feel good when you go jogging.

Again with the movies. I really can't stress this enough. I love movies. It's my big interest in life. I think movies are more than entertainment because it is also a very strong weapon if you want to make a difference or offend someone. When you step inside the movie theatre and just sit back and take in all the impressions you get from the movie. It is all very relaxing and interesting but sometimes the film might upset you, but that's fine because you need that too sometimes.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The suggestions:


When I hear that word I immediatly think of my favorite band which is The Kinks. When I listen to them I feel a very happy go-lucky feeling and I forget about the world around me for a while. And I like it. So automatically I want to listen to them alot. But I can't because I need to pay attention in school and do other things aswell. I think people want to carry their little iPod's around all the time because they want to forget real life all the time. Some people at least. Some people drink and others smoke a cigarette when they want a break. Virtual happiness can consist of music or tobacco or flowers for all I know. Most people have a main interest in their life, that can be anything, and that might just be what keeps them going. I have one, do you?


You have all sorts of impressions of things that are around you and things that you know of but have never laid eyes on. A painting is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of impressions, or any kind if art really. A huge billboard in Tokyo, one that moves. I get a kick when I see Spiderman swinging from building to building at the movie theatre. So what I'm trying to say is that if you expose yourself to certain things that give you positive impressions you feel happy.

If we take Spider-man 3 for instance, I saw it this weekend and I loved it and when I walked out of the movie theatre I was so happy. Even though some kid laughed when a friend of Spider-man died! But, still, my point is that when you pursue the thing that make you like and enjoy you become happy.

Feel free to comment


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My Blog Virtual Prozac

In this blog I am planning to write about what ever I believe might make you happy, as in Virtual Prozac..

So long,
